
About me

My name is Wiliam Freitas, I'm 17 yo and I was born in the beautiful town of Coimbra.
I live in Madeira island now with my family, because, all of them are Madeira born.
I study and play football for Nacional da Madeira.

I come from a very large family
(7 brothers and sisters)
So, as you can imagine, it hasn't been easy on any one.
My passion for football started when I was only 7, So, my father took me to Andorinha football club, where I've started playing as a striker.

I rapidly took the number 9 and kept it for 2 years,
At the same time the manager was training me to play on the wings and with booth feet, which I do till now.

Last season I've scored 23 goals and made 9 assists !

When we play on a 4 3 3, my position in the field can vary as youcan see on the image circled in red:

When we play on a 4 2 2, my position in the field can vary as you can see on the image circled in red:

I can play with both feet and either side of the field, I enjoy very much going in to the box with the ball controlled and score.